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Cathedral of Glory







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Prophecy in New Zealand


Dear believers,

This prophetic vision about revival in NZ has been made into an audio transcript and posted to Youtube. The description of the vision is 20 minutes long, so is divided into two 10 minute sections (Parts1 and 2), to comply with the Youtube 10 minute limit.


This word has major implications for believers, for Pastors and leaders, and for the Maori people. The word was given at a New Zealand Revival meeting, by Pastor Peter Tan. The awe of God filled the room as the vision was told, and towards the end you will hear the weeping and repentance of the people.


The Youtube links are







Ps Brett Heald





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The messages are a fine balance of the Word and Spirit - with a careful exegesis of the Word backed by deep spiritual experiences given by the Holy Spirit.


In 1994 he was taken in the Spirit to heaven and shown the glories and wonders of heaven. For the amazing account of his visit to heaven, please read his Visitation to the Throne Room of God.


In 2006, he was taken to the Spiritual World in a series of experiences and has written a book called The Spiritual World as a result of that experience.




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